Category: Stupid rat creatures

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Living in a western society now has become a sin.

With unendless wisdom the vatican today declared seven new (possibly deadly) sins. These sins basically make it impossible to live in any western kind of society (if you share the negative view that we are rich because they are poor). The New “Social” Sins “Bioethical” violations such as birth control “Morally dubious” experiments such as…
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Yesterday I received an email from They reviewed my site and found no problems anymore: Google’s most recent test of your website found no badware behaviors on the site.  As such, the Google warning page for your site has either already been removed or should be removed shortly.  In addition, if your site has…
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Infrared LEDs make you invisible to CCTV cameras

Oberwelt e.V., a German artists collective presents a nice device which can protect you from all the infrared security cameras installed on public roads. It sends out an invisible infrared light that will make your face show up as a white bulb. I-R.A.S.C is a device giving every citizen a reliable protection from governmental security…
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Blocked by Google

On February the 5th WordPress released version 2.3.3 of their blog software. This release fixed the following issue: WordPress 2.3.3 is an urgent security release. If you have registration enabled a flaw was found in the XML-RPC implementation such that a specially crafted request would allow a user to edit posts of other users on…
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Review: upgrade vista to XP

Here is a fine bloke who did what I have been dreaming of ever since I got my new Dell D830: he upgraded his Windows Vista installation to Windows XP. Although my own Vista installation runs a lot better than his, I do see a lot of familiar problems he seems to have fixed with…
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