Category: Just bloggin’

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Earthquake Japan: skyscrapers swaying

Skyscrapers moving around in Tokyo during the 8.9 earthquake. Link.

Tornado removes plastic from strawberries

Nature can be so beautiful. Please wait for the camera to go into landscape.

The age of the informavore

Over at Edge they have an interview with Frank Schirrmacher over the way we change technology and technology changes us: We are apparently now in a situation where modern technology is changing the way people behave, people talk, people react, people think, and people remember. And you encounter this not only in a theoretical way,…
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I did it!

I finally made the big step: I am now employing myself. The idea of becoming my own boss has been floating around a very long time and now seems to be the right moment to execute it. Very exciting times: I already have my first customer!