Category: Free software

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What companies can learn from Open Source

Paul Graham has a nice article describing what companies can learn from open source technology: Lately companies have been paying more attention to open source. Ten years ago there seemed a real danger Microsoft would extend its monopoly to servers. It seems safe to say now that open source has prevented that. A recent survey…
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Those funny Americans

I don’t want to go into patents and why they are bad for software development. I think there is enough info on the web already. Just some piece of might be related news. Today the US Supreme Court held Grokster responsible for the bad things their clients do with their software. From now on everyone…
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Amarok SVN ebuild

I regularly check the SVN builds of Amarok my favorite music program (if you are using linux, go check it out). Since I also use Gentoo, I just needed to have a good ebuild for it. I found a very good file on the Amarok forums, but had some small problems with it (it did…
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