Author: Jord

home of a content challenger

Tex Avery Striptease

It seems that Tex Avery was a great fan of striptease shows. I’m a great fan of his cartoons, but failed to notice up until now. Here is a great collection of Tex videos with nice stiptease girls and very happy public. Link (via boingboing).

Too Funny

For those of you who actually understand the ‘all your base are belong to us’ joke, this is for you. Texts from the original SEGA game ‘zero wing’ sung to the Bohemian Rhapsody. Nice animations as well. Link


I’ve just installed Flock. It is a firefox based browser with added functionality. I’m using it now to write this blog item… It has some other cool stuff like online bookmarks (through, a very nice rss feed reader (although not perfect yet) and a flickr integration. It is still a pre-beta release, they call…
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Norway to put its TV and radio online

Norway has decided to put a lot of TV and Radio (public channels) online. This could have been a great project, but the government of Norway decided to put all the content through Microsoft DRM. Thus giving Microsoft control over who can play the content, where and on what devices. Boingboing‘s Cory did a nice…
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Wart asked me to post a link to the airplane folding site… Well here it is: Link